On April 30th Roland and I were awaken by the telephone ringing at 5:30 AM (that's 7:30 for all of you living in Wisconsin.) I picked up our second phone just in time to hear Roland telling my father he wasn't in the country (Roland had just gotten back from a trip to Taiwan and was still deliriously jet-lagged). My dad told us that today looked like it was going to be the day our nephew or niece was going to be born.
The good news finally came at 4:30ish, while I was at work. The days of waiting were finally over. It was a girl named Emma Ann, and that's all the information I got. I later found out that she weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 20 inches.
My sister asked Roland and I to be God parents for Emma before she was born, so planning her christening was not easy. Chrissy reserved the day at the church. I requested the time off from work (but would have quit if they hadn't given it to me.) Roland sent out emails notifying people of his vacation, and then he made all of the travel arrangements... so back to Wisconsin we went.
(going left to right) Emily, Troy, and Lisa Bahr; Norman (my dad) and Beverley (my mom) Janssen; Lillian Janssen (my Grandma), Joeleen (me, a.k.a. "Sugar Bunny") and Roland (my snuggle bear) Schwarz; Tom Johnson, Christina (my sister) and Emma (in the bundle of blankets) Janssen; Daniel Janssen (my brother) and Aimee Block (now Aimee Janssen, my brother's wife); and Jen (Tom's sister) and her husband Pete.
A quick bottle before the christening... and she slept all the way through.
Later she went driving with her friends and fell asleep behind the wheel... luckly she was in her carseat and no one was hurt.