...unfortunately for Roland, I don't want dead things up on the walls of our apartment, but I don't mind them on our website. (oopsie... I guess now I can't put up that disclaimer saying no animals were hurt or killed in the making of this website. We did however let some of these fine scaly friends go. Several of them even sent us post cards to let us know how they are doing.)
Anyway, on with the show...
This is a picture of me actually touching a fish. Believe me, it wasn't pleasant for the fish either, but he didn't say much after the man that takes care of the boats for the lodge whacked him on the head. Come to think of it, the fish didn't say much before that either.
I tried to talk him out of it, but here's Roland trying to give the Vulcan nerve pinch to this unsuspecting musky. I told him that only works on television, but I guess somebody forgot to tell that to the fish. I snapped this picture just before Roland attempted to mind melt with the scaly beast.
This is a picture of our fishing guide. We had two guides during our trip, but this one was better looking, so I thought you'd like seeing him more. In this picture he is about to make us lunch on shore.
Here is me and Roland with the biggest fish I have ever landed... a 26 1/2 inch walleye. Roland decided it was too beautiful a specimen to keep... so HE decided to let it go. The guys back at the lodge didn't believe me, so here's my proof boys. IN YOUR FACE!!! Mine's bigger than yours.
And finally, here is Roland deciding which fish would best accessorize his Kansas T-shirt and fisherman's vest. It was a tough choice, but he finally went with a medium sized walleye. Don't ask me... I just don't understand these men and their fashion sense.