Roland's suggestions


Biax Fiberfilm --My Dad's life's work; his fifth child
Ever wonder if anyone cataloged the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition? Kinda makes you miss the Reagan years, doesn't it?

And. of course, the Dilbert Zone.

And a couple for Marty: World's Worst Country Song Titles and All the News That's Fit to Smell.

Jo's suggestions


Kid Sites
PBS Kids -- Games and fun using the characters from shows like Artur, Clifford, Barney, Sesame Street and many more. Wolfy navigates this site very easily by himself because of the child friendly links to the games and lack of pop-up ads linking him to other sites.
Bob the Builder -- Site teaches counting, spelling, and other skills through games and puzzles. It also has the theme song in German, if any one is interested in learning it.
 Nick Jr. -- Not very kid friendly to surf alone, but has songs, stories, and games worth taking a look at if you've got a little one. Much of the material is based on shows like Dora the Explorer, Blues Clues, and other shows on that channel.



Family Sites
Dave and Nelly's Page of Happenings -- Updates on my Aunt Janell and Uncle Dave's family, recipes, jokes, and fun stuff. See pictures of their land where we camped. (Thanks again for letting us stay Aunt Janell and Uncle Dave)



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